Ahead of the Curve


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"Ahead of the Curve" is a special segment that allows you to view new and upcoming trends in health and wellness. With periodic updates, you can be made aware of cutting edge information on how to achieve your health goals. This column shares some of this topical information to help you stay…Ahead of the Curve.

Metabolic Syndrome...

About 24 percent of the U.S. population has the Metabolic Syndrome—almost one in four people. Obesity is associated with all of the conventional risk factors of cardiovascular disease included in the definition of the Metabolic Syndrome, as well as metabolic markers of inflammation, and the risk of developing diabetes.  Excess weight is a very big deal…pun intended! 

Metabolic Syndrome was recently defined by the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III, and requires the presence of three or more of the factors listed in the box below.  Why should we be concerned about the Metabolic Syndrome? All of the variables used to define the Metabolic Syndrome can be modified through such simple things as diet and exercise. 

Weight loss, by virtually any means, decreases the risk for both cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes.

M.-P. St. Onge, S.B. Hemsfield: Reducing CVD Risk Through Appropriate Weight Management. Medscape, 5/25/2004 http://www.medscape.com/viewprogram/3118.

Criteria for Metabolic Syndrome requires three or more of the following factors:

  • HDL Cholesterol <40 mg/dl in men,

  • < 50 mg/dl in women

  • Triglycerides >/= 150 mg/dl

  • Fasting bloods glucose >/= 110 mg/dl

  • Resting systolic blood pressure >/= 130 mmHG or diastolic blood pressure >/= 85 mmHG

  • Waist circumference > 102 cm (about 40.1 inches) in men or >88 cm (about 34.6 inches) in women

The "Ahead of the Curve" section can be seen in each new version of the proactive healthCARE solutions® quarterly newsletter.  Previous editions of the section can also be seen in these versions of the publication.  To receive these updates automatically, please register to add your name to the newsletter distribution list.

If you would like to see past editions of the "Ahead of the Curve," please visit the Ahead of the Curve archives.


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Menomonee Falls, WI  t  262.532.0293
Last updated: July 01, 2004

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